R-TEP Guide: For Clinicians

rtep quick guide

I was trained in R-TEP (Recent-Traumatic Episode Protocol) several years ago, but I didn't use the protocol frequently enough to remember all the steps in the right order. So I made myself a "cheat sheet," which I used when I needed to and which I found very helpful. I shared this little guide with some colleagues, who suggested contacting the developers of R-TEP, Elan Shapiro and Brurit Laub, to see if they'd be interested in more widespread use of it.

With their enthusiasm, along with the collaboration of Maria Masciandaro, PsyD,  and a handful of revisions and edits, we jointly produced the R-TEP Quick Guide — a simple, clear, information-packed tool for clinicians to use as a useful reminder of the protocol steps whenever needed. 


  • The EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs (HAP) research fund receives a portion of each sale.
  • Trauma Recovery Network (TRN) groups are able to purchase the product at a discount in order to use the guide as a fundraising tool for your TRN or to support development and outreach in your TRN community.
  • The guide is not to be used as a substitute for training.
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